On My Way

Elle s'en va
Comedy, Drama | France, 116 min, 2013
in French, with hungarian subtitle

Show times:

Director: Emmanuelle Bercot

Writers: Emmanuelle Bercot, Jérôme Tonnerre
Stars: Catherine Deneuve, Némo Schiffman, Gérard Garouste

Deneuve plays sassy grandmother Cathy who takes to the road after being betrayed by her lover and learning her business is on the verge of bankruptcy on the same day. During a week long odyssey across France, she spends time with a grandson she hardly knows and reconnects with her past as former Miss Brittany through a reunion for former beauty queens.

Distributor: Cirko Film

»Feb. 5. – Wednesday«
TicketsCall Us17:00     Fábri terem

Maria (16)

TicketsCall Us18:00     Törőcsik Mari terem

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TicketsCall Us19:30     Csortos terem

How Could I Live Without You? (12)

TicketsCall Us20:00     Fábri terem

Futni mentem (12)

TicketsCall Us20:30     Törőcsik Mari terem

És mi van Tomival? (16)

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